Monday, 26 September 2011

Flash MP3 Player

Flash MP3 Player is a free music player that can be installed on a website easy and fast. We created both application and website, and we are quite proud about it.

The website features an eye-catching design and simplicity. It demonstrates the application and provides the ability to download it. Flash MP3 Player

The application itself is very easy to install and has the following features:
  • Standard player controls.
  • Forms playlist automatically (scans specified folder for mp3-files and uses ID3v1/ID3v2 tags for naming).
  • Customizable design.
  • Fully resizable.
  • Autoplay and autoresume options.
Flash MP3 Player demo

If you ever thought about having a music player on your website, then you should definitely give it a try.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Moving On

Two weeks, and I am still alive. =)
God must have thought I am very tough.
And guess what, I will prove it to you I am!
But it takes time to heal the wound.
A wound with salt.
A wound that will never recover to the fullest.
Actually I am in fear, I dunno whats the future gonna be.
I dunno can I face another obstacle again.
Perhaps is a good thing that I drop till the deepest,
so there will never be more pain than I am facing now.
I still can't solve the thought in my head.
I wish I am wrong yet I wish I am right.
The only way is to look ahead, and see what happen next.
And thats the time I will get my answer.
Tears are the only medicine.
I only feel better after I cried.
I wonder how long does it takes this time.
For life?
Seriously, I wonder can I move on after all these that happened.
Only me myself know.
Sigh, my dear god,
am I really that tough?
am I?....

Friday, 23 September 2011

Download Avast 6 Home Edition 1 Year License Serial Key

Download Avast 6 Home Edition 1 Year License Serial Key
Avast antivirus is one of the top leading antivirus and it is available for free download.You will get a fully functional 30 day trial version of avast if you download directly from their website.To activate it for one year you need to register with them.Once registered you will get your Serial license key into your mailbox. Here are some of the features of Avast 6 Home Addition Antivirus Avast Sandbox:-Using Avast Sandbox you can run programs suspected for viruses in an isolated envirnoment so even if they contain any virus your computer will be safe. Website Block:-Website Block technology allows you block websites that should not be opened by family members. Webrep:-It allows you to rate websites in your browser. Avast Free Antivirus 6.0 Final Version Download Avast 6 Home Edition 1 Year License Serial Key How To Get Genuine Avast 6 Home Edition License Serial key?
  • Open Official Avast Registration Page by Clicking here
  • Enter the details in form and you will recieve your License serial key within 24 hours at your email id.
Avast Registration Form Download Avast 6 Home Edition 1 Year License Serial KeyNote:-This key can be used for offline activation of your software in future.So save it in your computer.

Trick to create a Facebook Username and Have Email Address

You can have your own customized URL for your facebook profile like will make your profile  attractive and you can easily refer someone to your profile by giving this easy to remember facebbok URL.The another benefit of making customized URL is that you will automatically get email address.You can use this new email address ( to login into your facebook account
Trick to Create a Facebook Username :-
  • Click on Account–> Account Settings.
  • f 11 Trick to create a Facebook Username and Have Email Address

    • Look for the Username field and click on the Edit button.
    f 21 Trick to create a Facebook Username and Have Email Address
    • In the text box type your username that you want to set. Facebook server will check for the username in its database whether it is available or not.
    f 3 Trick to create a Facebook Username and Have Email Address
    • After giving your username click on Save Changes button and go to your Profile. You will see your profile link as
    f 41 Trick to create a Facebook Username and Have Email Address
    While setting up your username be careful because you can create this username only once.
    Trick to Get Email Address:-
    To set up a address, go to your Messages view and click theClaim your Facebook email link.
    Now you will also be able to login into your Facebook Account with @facebook.comrather than any other Email Address. At the Facebook login Page enter your facebook username along with i.e. and enter your password. Your Facebook homepage will be open.

    Simple Steps On How to Create And Make a Fake Login Page Using Login Page Script Hack

    1. Open and Sign Up.
    2. then Login there with your newly registered account.
    3. now click on ‘ Create your first form’.
    4. Now delete all the pre-defined entries, just leave ‘First Name:’ (To delete entries, select the particular entry and then click on the cross sign.)
    5. Now Click on ‘First Name:’ (Exactly on First Name). Now the option to Edit the First Name is activated, type there“username:” (for Gmail) or Yahoo Id: (for Yahoo)
    6. Now Click on ‘Power Tool’ Option (In right hand side…)
    7. Double click on ‘Password Box’. Now Click the newly form password entry to edit it. Rename it as ‘Password:’
    8. Now Click on ‘Properties’ Option (In right hand side…). These are the form properties.
    9. You can give any title to your form. This title is used to distinguish your forms. This Title cannot be seen by the victim.
    10. Now in Thank You URL you must put some link, like or anything. Actually after entering username & password, user will get redirect to this url.(Don’t leave it blank…)
    11. Now Click on ‘Save’. After saving, click on ‘Source’ Option.
    12. Now you can see two Options, namely ‘Option1′ & ‘Option2′. Copy the full code of ‘Option2′.
    13. Now open Notepad text editor and write the following code their.Paste the Option2 code here
    14. And now save this as index.html. And then host it, mean you will have to put it on the internet so that everyone can view it. Now i think that you would be knowing it and if in case you do not know it please leave a comment with your email-id and i will mail you how to do it.
     Login Page Script Hack   How to Create and Make a Fake Login Page
    Now you can view it by typing the url in the address bar.
    NOTE: If u want to send it to the internet, then first you will have to create a hosting account which you can create and there are many other sites which you can find on the internet very easily.I suppose that you created your account at now login to your account then click on “File  Manager”, then click on “upload files” or just “upload”. Then select the file which you want to send to the internet and click on upload. And you are done.

    Facebook Hacker Software Free Download

    Facebook Hacker Software is a multi-functional software used to hack facebook account.  Also, you can create many nuisance and pranks by using this Facebook Hacker software.
    1. First download Facebook Hacker software  from clicking the link given below :
    2. Now, run Facebook Hacker.exe file to see :
    facebook hacker software
    Login to your Facebook account and then hit on OK at right bottom.
    3. Now, Facebook Hacker options are displayed as shown:facebook hacker software
    4. In Victim pane at left bottom, enter the facebook ID of the victim you wanna hack in User ID field.
    5. Now, using this Facebook Hacker software you can:
    Flood wall of victim.
    - Spam his message box.
    - Comment on him like crazy.
    - Poke him and even add mass likes.
    Thus, you can play such pranks with your friends using this Facebook Hacker. So, freedownload Facebook Hacker and trick out your friends.
    Note : new link updated

    Thursday, 22 September 2011

    Receive Facebook notifications on your desktop


    Tired of repeatedly going to Facebook to see if there are any new notifications?
    What to do? FacebookDesktop ! With this little software you’ll receive the notifications in a truly comfortable and non-invasive way.
    The application is available for Windows, Mac and Linux , free and integrates with the taskbar of your operating system. Try it now!

    Clean and Clear Facebook: new style, graphics and experience!

    Would you like a new layout style on your Facebook? Maybe a change to the standard screens, graphics, and functions? Maybe hiding advertising, making it more a minimalist site, fast and beauty by adding effects to photos?
    A must try is Clear Facebook , a Google Chrome extension that changes Facebook to create a better experience. The functions are different, and you will notice the change right from the login screen that looks clean and simple (see picture).


    How to export Facebook friends and find them on Google +

    We continue with the posts dedicated to Google +. Yesterday we told you about how to bring photo albums from Facebook to Google + Today I talk about how to export a list of your Facebook friends and then find them on Google +.
    To do so just use the extension to use Google Chrome Friend Facebook Exporter of which we had already talked about here .
    Once you have installed the extension you have to go to / friends / edit / then on the top right and click"Export friends!" .
    Follow the instructions and at the end of the process) that can last for hours depending on the number of friends) you are invited to download the csv file of your contacts or add it directly to Gmail.

    The new version of Skype with Facebook included!

    The new version of Skype (5.5) just released and integrates Facebook and Skype. As you will recall that recently drew up an agreement.
    In the new version of the program a tab was added that allows you to connect to your Facebook profile and chat with friends online without a Skype call and video. You can even see your wall, the news feed from your Facebook, comment and click "like", all without having to open your browser and go to Facebook.
    Want to try? Update if you already have skype or click here to download the latest version .