Thursday 15 December 2011

How To Check Your Computer Male Or Female.

I am lucky to have a female computer but what’s yours? Lets check it. Just follow the three simple steps and you have your answer.
Step 1. Open notepad.
Step 2. Write this in Notepad.

CreateObject(“SAPI.SpVoice”).Speak”i love you”

check your computer male or female
Step 3: Now click on Save as and then save it as with any name but remember to put .vbs at the end of the file name. Make sure that all files option is selected as you can see in the picture.
save file to check pc male or female
You are done. Now just double click to open it after saving and you will hear a voice saying that i love you.
computer male or female detection file
If you hear a male voice you got male PC and if you hear a female voice you got a female on